What To Know About The Hazard Perception Test In The Norway Driving License Exam

Last Updated: July 2024

Table of Contents

If you’re planning to get your driver’s license in Norway, you’ll need to pass the Hazard Perception Test. This test is designed to evaluate your ability to identify potential hazards on the road and respond appropriately. It’s an important part of the driving license exam, and understanding what it entails can help you prepare and increase your chances of passing.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Hazard Perception Test and what you need to know to succeed. We’ll start by providing an overview of the test and its purpose, then move on to some tips for preparing and taking the test. We’ll also explore common mistakes to avoid and strategies for answering the test questions.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of what to expect from the Hazard Perception Test and how to approach it with confidence.

Overview of the Hazard Perception Test

Get ready to dive into the details of how you’ll prove your skills on the road with a game-changing section of your driver’s assessment. The Hazard Perception Test is a crucial part of the Norway driving license exam that’s designed to assess your ability to identify and respond to potential hazards while driving.

This test is meant to evaluate your visual awareness and decision-making skills, which are essential for safe driving. During the Hazard Perception Test, you’ll be presented with a series of video clips that simulate driving scenarios. Your task is to identify potential hazards in these clips, such as pedestrians, other vehicles, or road hazards, and click the mouse button as soon as you spot them.

The test is timed, and you’ll have to respond quickly and accurately to score well. It’s essential to remain focused and attentive throughout the test, as missing a hazard could lead to a lower score or even failure.

How to Prepare for the Test

Ready to ace it? Here’s how you can get yourself fully prepared for the upcoming challenge.

The first step is to familiarize yourself with the types of hazards you may encounter on the road. This includes things like other vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, and road conditions such as wet or icy surfaces. It’s important to think about how you would react to these hazards and what actions you should take to avoid an accident. You can practice this by observing your surroundings while driving and mentally noting any potential hazards.

Another useful way to prepare for the hazard perception test is to practice with sample tests online or through a driving school. These tests will give you an idea of what to expect during the actual exam and help you get used to the format of the test.

Additionally, you can practice your reaction time by playing video games or using online simulators that test your ability to spot hazards and react quickly. By taking the time to prepare for the hazard perception test, you’ll be more confident and better equipped to pass the exam and become a safe and responsible driver on Norwegian roads.

Tips for Taking the Test

As you proceed to take the hazard perception test in the Norway driving license exam, it’s advisable to remain attentive and observant to your surroundings to accurately identify potential hazards and react promptly to avoid any accidents.

This means that you should avoid distractions such as talking to someone else or checking your phone while taking the test. Additionally, you should keep your eyes on the road and look out for any potential hazards, such as pedestrians, other vehicles, or road signs.

Another tip for taking the hazard perception test is to practice beforehand. This’ll help you become more familiar with the types of hazards that you may encounter on the road and how to react to them. You can practice by taking online hazard perception tests or by using driving simulators.

Additionally, you should take your time when taking the test and not rush through it. This’ll help you remain focused and make accurate judgments about potential hazards on the road.

Understanding Hazard Perception

To fully understand the Hazard Perception section of the Norway driving license exam, there are a few key points to keep in mind.

First, it’s important to know the definition and importance of hazard perception, as it’ll play a crucial role in ensuring your safety on the road.

Additionally, knowing the different types of hazards and techniques for spotting them will help you better anticipate and react to potential dangers while driving.

By being aware of these factors, you’ll be better equipped to pass the Hazard Perception section with flying colors.

Definition and Importance


Definition and importance


The hazard perception test assesses your ability to anticipate and respond to potential hazards while driving. This includes identifying situations where you need to brake, accelerate, or change lanes to avoid accidents.

The test is important because it can help prevent accidents on the road. By being able to identify and respond to hazards quickly, you can reduce the risk of collisions and keep yourself and other drivers safe.

To do well on the test, you’ll need to pay close attention to your surroundings while driving, and be able to react quickly to changing situations. You’ll also need to understand the rules of the road and how they apply in different situations. With practice and preparation, you can increase your chances of passing the test and getting your driver’s license.

Remember, the hazard perception test is an important part of the driver’s license exam in Norway, and it’s crucial that you take it seriously. By understanding what the test is all about and practicing your skills, you can increase your chances of passing and become a safer, more confident driver.


Adjust the paragraph structure in the Input to logically group complete sentences on their own lines, with a double new line after. Use contractions.


The hazard perception test assesses your ability to anticipate and respond to potential hazards while driving. This includes identifying situations where you need to brake, accelerate, or change lanes to avoid accidents.

The test is important because it can help prevent accidents on the road. By being able to identify and respond to hazards quickly, you can reduce the risk of collisions and keep yourself and other drivers safe.

To do well on the test, you’ll need to pay close attention to your surroundings while driving, and be able to react quickly to changing situations. You’ll also need to understand the rules of the road and how they apply in different situations. With practice and preparation, you can increase your chances of passing the test and getting your driver’s license.

Remember, the hazard perception test is an important part of the driver’s license exam in Norway, and it’s crucial that you take it seriously. By understanding what the test is all about and practicing your skills, you can increase your chances of passing and become a safer, more confident driver.

Types of Hazards

You may have encountered different types of hazards while driving, and it’s important to be able to identify and respond to them quickly to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road. In the hazard perception test of the Norway driving license exam, you will be shown video clips of various driving scenarios and you will need to identify potential hazards in each clip. Understanding the different types of hazards that can occur while driving can help you to perform well on this test.

Here are some common types of hazards that you may encounter while driving:

Type of Hazard Description
Pedestrian People walking or running near the road.
Vehicle Other cars, trucks, and motorcycles on the road.
Road Condition Potholes, debris, or other obstacles on the road.
Weather Rain, snow, or fog can create hazardous driving conditions.
Road Users Bicycles, scooters, and other non-motorized vehicles on the road.

Knowing how to identify and respond to different types of hazards can help you to become a safer driver. For example, if you see a pedestrian walking near the road, you may need to slow down and be prepared to stop if they cross in front of you. Similarly, if you see a vehicle swerving in and out of lanes, you may need to keep your distance and be prepared to take evasive action if necessary. By being aware of potential hazards and responding appropriately, you can help to prevent accidents and keep yourself and others safe on the road.

Techniques for Spotting Hazards

Take a ride through your mind and learn how to spot potential dangers on the road with these techniques. The hazard perception test in the Norway driving license exam will assess your ability to identify potential hazards, so it’s crucial to be well-prepared. Here are some techniques to help you spot potential hazards:

  • Anticipate the actions of other road users: Keep an eye on other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. Look out for signs of erratic behavior or any indication that they may make a sudden move. For example, a pedestrian might be looking at their phone instead of the road, or a car might be swerving in and out of lanes.

  • Scan the road ahead: Look ahead as far as possible to detect any potential hazards. You should aim to scan the road at least 12-15 seconds ahead of your vehicle. This will give you plenty of time to react to any potential hazards.

  • Use your peripheral vision: Keep an eye on your surroundings, not just what’s directly in front of you. Peripheral vision is crucial in detecting potential hazards, as it can help you spot something that may not be immediately obvious. For example, you might notice movement out of the corner of your eye that alerts you to a pedestrian crossing the road.

By using these techniques, you can improve your hazard perception skills and increase your chances of passing the Norway driving license exam.

Always remember to stay alert and focused while driving, and never let your guard down on the road.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding common mistakes can help you ace the hazard perception section of the Norway driving license exam. One of the most common mistakes is not scanning the road properly. Make sure you’re constantly looking around you, checking mirrors, and keeping an eye out for anything that might cause a hazard.

This includes checking blind spots before changing lanes, and ensuring that you’re aware of all pedestrians, cyclists, and other road users. Another mistake to avoid is not reacting quickly enough. In the hazard perception test, you’re given points for reacting quickly and correctly to hazards on the road.

This means that you need to be ready to react at all times, and be aware of what to do in different situations. Practice makes perfect, so make sure you spend enough time practicing before taking the test, and always be alert and ready to react when driving on the road.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of success on the hazard perception section of the Norway driving license exam.

Test-Taking Strategies

Get ready to ace the road by mastering effective strategies for acing the hazard perception section of the driving test. One important strategy is to keep your eyes moving. Don’t just focus on one area of the screen, but scan the entire screen for any potential hazards. This will help you to identify hazards that may appear suddenly and give you more time to react.

Another strategy is to pay attention to the road markings and signs. They can give you clues about what hazards may be coming up. For example, if you see a sharp turn sign, you should be prepared for a hazard such as a tight bend or a narrow road.

Additionally, it’s important to keep a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you so that you have enough time to react to any potential hazards.

By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of passing the hazard perception section of the driving test and become a safer driver on the road.

What Happens After the Test?

Now that you know some effective test-taking strategies for the Norwegian hazard perception test, let’s talk about what happens after the test.

The good news is that you’ll receive your test results immediately after completing the test. The results will show whether you passed or failed the test, and if you passed, you’ll be one step closer to obtaining your Norwegian driver’s license.

If you passed the hazard perception test, you’ll move on to the next step, which is the practical driving test. It’s important to note that passing the hazard perception test doesn’t guarantee that you’ll pass the practical driving test. Therefore, it’s crucial to continue practicing and improving your driving skills.

On the other hand, if you failed the hazard perception test, you’ll have to retake the test at a later date. In this case, you should review the test material and practice more before taking the test again. Remember, it’s better to take your time and prepare adequately than rush and fail the test.

Conclusion and Additional Resources

Now that you’ve completed the hazard perception test in the Norway driving license exam, it’s important to recap the key points to ensure you fully understand its purpose and requirements.

To further prepare for future tests, you can explore additional resources available online or through driving schools to improve your skills and knowledge.

Lastly, keep in mind some final tips for success such as staying focused, practicing regularly, and seeking feedback from others.

Remember, with dedication and effort, you can successfully pass the hazard perception test and obtain your driver’s license.

Recap of Key Points

Let’s quickly go over the important takeaways from the section on mastering the crucial aspects of the driving test that can make or break your chances of getting behind the wheel.

The hazard perception test in the Norway driving license exam is designed to assess your ability to recognize potential road hazards and respond accordingly. This test is made up of 15 video clips, each lasting about 30 seconds, and you’ll be required to identify hazards as they appear on the screen.

To ensure that you pass the hazard perception test, it’s important to practice your observation skills and learn to anticipate potential hazards. Always keep your eyes on the road, scan your surroundings, and be aware of the speed and distance of other vehicles on the road.

Additionally, make sure you’re familiar with the various road signs and markings, as they can provide important clues about potential hazards. By being alert and aware of your surroundings, you can improve your chances of passing the hazard perception test and getting your driving license in Norway.

Additional Resources for Test Preparation

You can take advantage of these extra resources to boost your chances of acing the hazard recognition challenge and earning your driver’s permit.

One helpful resource is the official handbook for the Norwegian driving license exam. This handbook contains valuable information about the hazard perception test, including examples of hazards you may encounter on the road and tips for identifying them. You can also find sample questions and practice tests in the handbook to help you prepare for the test.

Another great resource is online practice tests. There are many websites that offer free hazard perception practice tests that you can take to improve your skills. These tests are designed to simulate the actual test experience and will give you an idea of what to expect on test day.

Additionally, some driving schools offer hazard perception training courses that you may find useful. By taking advantage of these extra resources and practicing regularly, you can feel confident and prepared on the day of your hazard perception test.

Final Tips for Success

Ready to ace the challenge? Take note of these final tips that’ll help boost your chances of success on test day.

Firstly, make sure to pay close attention to the video clips shown during the test. Be vigilant and keep an eye out for any potential hazards, such as pedestrians crossing the road or cars suddenly swerving into your lane. Remember that the test is designed to assess your ability to identify and react to potential dangers on the road, so it’s important to stay focused throughout.

Secondly, practice makes perfect. Take advantage of any practice materials available to you, such as online quizzes or hazard perception apps. Familiarize yourself with the format and structure of the test, as well as the types of hazards that may appear. This will help you feel more confident and prepared come test day.

Remember to also take breaks and stay relaxed during the test. Being calm and collected can go a long way in helping you perform your best.

Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any age restrictions for taking the Hazard Perception Test in Norway?

To take the hazard perception test in Norway, there are no age restrictions. However, you must first pass the theory test before booking a hazard perception test.

The hazard perception test is designed to evaluate your ability to anticipate and respond to potential hazards while driving. The test consists of 15 video clips, each lasting around 30 seconds, and you must identify any potential hazards as quickly as possible.

It’s important to practice and familiarize yourself with the format of the test to ensure you pass and obtain your driver’s license. Remember, safety is paramount while driving, so it’s crucial to take this test seriously and prepare accordingly.

Is the Hazard Perception Test available in languages other than Norwegian?

If you’re planning to take the hazard perception test in Norway, it’s important to know that the test is only available in Norwegian. This means you must have a good understanding of the language to pass.

The test assesses your ability to identify potential hazards while driving and is an essential part of the driving license exam. To prepare for the test, practice your observation skills while driving, and familiarize yourself with the rules of the road in Norway.

With the right preparation and a good understanding of the Norwegian language, you can pass the hazard perception test and earn your driving license in Norway.

How long does it take to receive the results of the Hazard Perception Test?

Once you’ve completed the hazard perception test during your Norway driving license exam, you’ll likely be eager to receive your results. Fortunately, you won’t have to wait long.

In fact, most test-takers receive their results immediately after completing the test. This means that you’ll know right away whether you’ve passed or failed, and if you need to retake the test in order to earn your license.

Keep in mind that while the test results are instantaneous, the process of obtaining your actual license may take a bit longer, as you’ll need to submit all necessary paperwork and complete any other requirements.

Can I retake the Hazard Perception Test if I fail?

If you fail the hazard perception test in the Norway driving license exam, don’t worry, you can retake it. However, you’ll have to wait a minimum of two weeks before you can take it again.

It’s important to note that you’ll have to pay the fee again for the retake. To improve your chances of passing the test, make sure you practice regularly and familiarize yourself with the road rules and regulations.

Pay attention to potential hazards and try to anticipate what could happen in different scenarios. With enough practice and preparation, you should be able to pass the hazard perception test on your next attempt.

Is there a fee for taking the Hazard Perception Test?

When taking the hazard perception test as part of your Norway driving license exam, you should know that there’s a fee associated with it.

The current fee for the hazard perception test is 660 NOK.

It’s important to note that this fee is separate from the fee for the theory test and the practical driving test.

If you fail the hazard perception test, you’ll need to pay the fee again in order to retake the test.

It’s important to prepare thoroughly for the hazard perception test to increase your chances of passing on your first attempt and avoiding the additional fee.


Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of this article on the Hazard Perception Test in the Norway driving license exam.

By now, you should have a good understanding of what the test entails, how to prepare for it, and some useful tips for taking it.

Remember, the key to success is practice and familiarity with the test format.

In conclusion, passing the Hazard Perception Test is a crucial step towards obtaining your driver’s license in Norway. It’s important to take the test seriously and approach it with a clear mind and a calm attitude.

If you follow the advice provided in this article, you’ll be well on your way to passing the test with flying colors. Good luck!

For additional resources and practice materials, be sure to check out the official website of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

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