How To Pass The Singapore Driving License Practical Exam On The First Try

Last Updated: July 2024

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Congratulations on deciding to take the Singapore driving license practical exam! This is an important step towards gaining your independence and freedom on the road. The practical exam can be nerve-wracking, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can pass it on your first try.

To help you achieve your goal, this article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to pass the Singapore driving license practical exam. From understanding the exam format to familiarizing yourself with the test routes, we will cover all the essential aspects of the exam that you need to know.

So, take a deep breath, relax, and let’s get started on your journey towards obtaining your Singapore driving license!

Understand the Exam Format

Get ready to explore the format of the test and ace it on your initial attempt! To pass the Singapore driving license practical exam on the first try, it’s crucial to understand the exam format.

The test is conducted in two parts: Basic Theory Test (BTT) and Final Theory Test (FTT).

The BTT consists of 50 multiple-choice questions that you need to answer within 50 minutes. The questions cover various topics, including traffic signs, traffic rules and regulations, and safe driving practices. To prepare for the BTT, you can take online practice tests, read the Basic Theory Handbook, and attend driving schools.

On the other hand, the FTT is a computer-based test that includes 50 multiple-choice questions that you need to answer within 50 minutes. The questions cover more advanced topics, such as defensive driving techniques, vehicle maintenance, and driving in adverse weather conditions. To prepare for the FTT, you can refer to the Final Theory Handbook and take online practice tests.

By understanding the exam format and preparing accordingly, you can increase your chances of passing the practical exam on the first try.

Know the Traffic Rules and Regulations

To increase your chances of passing the driving license practical exam in Singapore, it’s crucial to know the traffic rules and regulations by heart.

Start by studying the Highway Code, which contains all the essential information on road safety and traffic laws.

Next, familiarize yourself with road signs and markings to navigate the roads confidently.

And lastly, practice safe driving habits to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.

Remember, being knowledgeable and cautious can help you pass the exam on your first try.

Study the Highway Code

Studying the Highway Code is essential for acing the driving test on your initial attempt. The Highway Code is a comprehensive guide that covers all the rules and regulations you need to know before you start driving in Singapore. It’s a must-read for anyone preparing for the driving practical exam.

To make the most of your study time, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Start by reading the Highway Code from cover to cover to get a good understanding of the rules and regulations.

  • Take note of any road signs, markings, and signals that are mentioned in the Highway Code.

  • Make sure you understand the different types of roads and their speed limits. This will help you stay within the legal speed limits while driving.

By studying the Highway Code thoroughly, you’ll be better prepared for the practical driving exam, and you’ll have a higher chance of passing it on your first attempt.

Understand Road Signs and Markings

Understanding road signs and markings will be crucial for you as a driver, as they provide important information and guidance while you’re on the road. Road signs are designed to communicate a variety of messages, from speed limits and traffic regulations to potential hazards and directions.

As such, it’s important that you take the time to learn and understand them before taking your practical driving exam. One of the key things to keep in mind when it comes to road signs is that they are standardized, meaning that they have a consistent appearance and meaning across the country. This makes it easier for drivers to recognize and react to them quickly and effectively.

However, this also means that you need to be familiar with the specific signs and markings that are relevant to your driving experience in Singapore. By studying and practicing with these signs, you can feel confident and prepared when it comes time to take your practical driving exam.

Practice Safe Driving Habits

Let’s focus on keeping ourselves and others safe on the road by practicing good driving habits. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

  • Always wear your seatbelt. This is the most basic safety measure you can take while driving, but it’s also the most important. Your seatbelt can save your life in the event of an accident, so make sure you always buckle up before hitting the road.

  • Avoid distractions while driving. This includes things like texting, talking on the phone, eating, or fiddling with the radio. Anything that takes your attention away from the road can be dangerous, so try to stay focused on driving.

In addition to these tips, it’s also important to follow all traffic laws and signals, such as stopping at red lights and stop signs, yielding to pedestrians, and obeying speed limits.

By practicing safe driving habits, you’ll not only increase your chances of passing your driving exam on the first try, but you’ll also help keep yourself and others safe on the road.

Practice with Experienced Drivers

If you’ve got some friends or family members who are experienced drivers, hitting the road with them can be a great way to build up your confidence and get some valuable tips and tricks. Not only will they be able to share their own personal experiences, but they’ll also be able to observe your driving and offer constructive feedback.

When practicing with experienced drivers, it’s important to communicate your goals and concerns. Let them know that you’re preparing for your practical exam and ask for their help in identifying any areas where you can improve. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for clarification on any driving rules or techniques that you may be unsure of.

With their guidance and support, you’ll be able to fine-tune your skills and become a more confident driver, increasing your chances of passing the practical exam on the first try.

Familiarize Yourself with the Test Routes

To increase your chances of passing the Singapore driving license practical exam on your first try, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the test routes.

Research common test routes and practice driving on them as much as you can. This will help you become more comfortable with the roads and be prepared for unexpected situations that may arise during the exam.

Research Common Test Routes

Researching common test routes can help increase your chances of success on the road test. During your driving lessons, ask your instructor to take you through the most common test routes. Take note of the road signs, traffic lights, and intersections that you’ll encounter during the test. Knowing the route will help you anticipate what to expect during the exam and reduce anxiety.

You can also search online for the most common test routes used by the driving test centers in Singapore. There are many forums and websites where people share their experiences and tips on passing the test. Take note of any tricky spots and prepare for them during your practice sessions.

By familiarizing yourself with the common test routes, you’ll have a better chance of passing the practical driving exam on the first try.

Practice Driving on Test Routes

Practice driving on the test routes will help you get familiar with the roads and build your confidence behind the wheel. It’s important to remember that the practical driving exam will take place on the same roads that you’ve practiced on, so being comfortable with the routes will give you a great advantage.

Take note of the different road signs, traffic lights, and roundabouts that you encounter on the test routes. This will help you prepare for any unexpected situations during the exam.

Make sure you practice driving on the test routes during different times of the day, as the traffic conditions can vary greatly. During peak hours, you may encounter heavy traffic and long queues at certain junctions. Practicing during these times will help you learn how to navigate through these situations safely.

Remember to also practice good driving habits, such as signaling early and checking your blind spots before changing lanes. With enough practice, you’ll be able to confidently navigate through the test routes and ace your driving exam on the first try.

Be Prepared for Unexpected Situations

You never know what might happen on the road, so it’s important to be prepared for unexpected situations while driving.

During your practical driving exam, you might encounter situations such as sudden lane changes, emergency stops, or even pedestrians crossing the road unexpectedly.

To ensure that you’re ready for any surprises that may come your way, you should practice defensive driving techniques, such as scanning the road ahead for potential hazards and always leaving enough space between your vehicle and others.

One way to prepare for unexpected situations is to take a defensive driving course, which can teach you how to react to different driving scenarios.

Additionally, you should also familiarize yourself with the traffic laws and regulations in Singapore, as well as the rules of the road in different weather conditions.

By being well-prepared for any situation, you can increase your chances of passing your driving exam on the first try and become a safe and responsible driver on the road.

Prepare Your Vehicle

Before heading out to take the practical driving exam, it’s important to prepare your vehicle to ensure a smooth and safe driving experience.

Start by checking your vehicle’s condition, including the brakes, lights, and tires. Make sure your vehicle is roadworthy and meets all requirements set by the Land Transport Authority.

Lastly, equip your vehicle with necessary tools, such as a spare tire and jack, to handle any unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the exam.

Check Your Vehicle’s Condition

Make sure your vehicle’s condition is optimal by checking the tire pressure, engine oil level, and brake fluid before heading to the test center. It’s essential to have a well-maintained car as it can affect your performance during the practical exam.

A car with low tire pressure can affect the handling and stability of the vehicle, which may cause you to fail the exam. Therefore, it’s crucial to check the tire pressure and ensure they’re inflated to the recommended level.

In addition to checking the tire pressure, it’s also crucial to check the engine oil level and brake fluid. The engine oil lubricates the engine’s components, ensuring they run smoothly. A car with low engine oil level can cause severe engine damage, which can lead to the car breaking down during the exam.

On the other hand, the brake fluid is vital for the braking system to function correctly. It ensures that the brakes don’t fail when you need them the most. Therefore, make sure you check the engine oil level and brake fluid before heading to the test center to avoid any unnecessary issues during the practical exam.

Ensure Your Vehicle is Roadworthy

To ensure your car is safe and ready for the road, checking its overall condition is crucial. But it’s not just about checking the car’s physical appearance. You need to make sure that your vehicle is roadworthy.

Here are three essential things you need to check before taking the practical exam:

  1. Tires – Make sure your tires are in good condition, with enough tread depth and proper inflation. Bald or underinflated tires can cause skidding, which can be dangerous during emergency braking.

  2. Lights – Check all your lights, including your headlights, taillights, brake lights, and signal lights. Make sure they are all functioning correctly.

  3. Brakes – Your brakes are your car’s most critical safety feature, so it’s essential to ensure they are in good working condition. Check for any signs of wear, such as squeaking or grinding sounds, and make sure they respond appropriately when you hit the brakes.

By taking the time to check these critical components, you can ensure that your car is roadworthy and safe to drive. This will not only increase your chances of passing the practical exam on the first try but also prevent any accidents or mishaps on the road.

Remember, preparation’s key, and you should always prioritize safety when driving.

Equip Your Vehicle with Necessary Tools

Now that you’ve ensured your vehicle is roadworthy, it’s time to equip it with the necessary tools to pass the Singapore driving license practical exam on the first try.

One key tool you need is a convex mirror, providing a wider view of the area behind you. Driving schools may not provide this, so purchase one yourself.

Another necessary tool is a blind spot mirror, helping you see cars or pedestrians in your blind spot. Position it correctly to avoid obstructing your view of the road.

By equipping your vehicle with these tools, you’ll greatly increase your chances of passing the exam.

Manage Your Nerves and Anxiety

You may find it helpful to take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment in order to calm your nerves and anxiety during the driving test. It’s normal to feel nervous during the practical exam, but it’s important to manage your anxiety so that you can perform at your best. Here are some tips to help you keep your cool during the test:

  1. Practice relaxation techniques before the exam. You can try deep breathing, meditation, or visualization exercises to help you calm down and focus on the task at hand.

  2. Get plenty of rest the night before the test. Being well-rested will help you stay alert and focused during the exam.

  3. Eat a healthy breakfast on the day of the test. A balanced meal will give you the energy you need to perform your best.

  4. Remember that mistakes are normal. Don’t beat yourself up if you make a mistake during the test. Simply acknowledge the error and move on to the next task.

Follow Instructions Carefully

Hey there, when it comes to passing your Singapore driving license practical exam on the first try, it’s important to follow instructions carefully.

This means listening closely to your examiner and following all traffic rules and regulations. Remember to stay calm and composed throughout the test, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

By taking the time to pay attention to these key points, you’ll be sure to impress your examiner and earn your license in no time.

Listen to Your Examiner

Pay close attention to your examiner’s instructions during the test to increase your chances of success. Your examiner is there to guide you and help you succeed, so it’s important to listen carefully to what they say.

They will give you directions on where to go, how to maneuver the car, and what to look out for. Make sure you understand their instructions before you start driving, and don’t be afraid to ask questions if something is unclear.

By following your examiner’s guidance, you’ll be able to navigate the test course with confidence and ease.

During the test, your examiner may also give you feedback on your driving. This is an opportunity for you to improve and make adjustments.

Listen carefully to their feedback, and take it into account as you continue driving. Don’t get discouraged if they point out areas for improvement – instead, use their feedback as a learning opportunity.

By showing that you are receptive to their advice, you will demonstrate that you are a responsible and conscientious driver. In the end, following your examiner’s instructions and feedback will greatly increase your chances of passing the test on your first try.

Follow Traffic Rules and Regulations

As you hit the road during the test, keep in mind that following traffic rules and regulations is essential to demonstrate your competency as a driver. Remember that the examiner is assessing not just your driving skills, but also your knowledge of and adherence to the traffic rules. Make sure that you’re familiar with the rules and regulations, and that you apply them consistently throughout the test.

To help you demonstrate your knowledge and adherence to traffic rules, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Always use your indicators when changing lanes or making turns. This shows that you’re aware of your surroundings and that you’re taking the necessary precautions to avoid accidents.

  • Observe speed limits at all times, and adjust your speed accordingly depending on the road conditions. Remember that speeding isn’t only dangerous, but it also shows a lack of respect for the law.

  • Come to a complete stop at stop signs and red lights. Remember that failing to stop at a stop sign or a red light isn’t only a traffic violation, but it can also cause accidents.

Stay Calm and Composed

Now that you know the importance of following traffic rules and regulations during your driving test, let’s talk about another essential aspect of passing it on the first try – staying calm and composed.

It’s natural to feel nervous while taking your driving test, but it’s crucial to keep your cool and focus on driving safely. When you’re anxious, your body tends to tense up, and your mind can become distracted. This can lead to mistakes, such as forgetting to check your blind spots or not signaling correctly.

To avoid this, take a few deep breaths before starting the test and remind yourself that you’ve practiced and prepared for this moment. While driving, keep your eyes on the road, maintain a steady speed, and follow the instructions of the examiner. If you make a mistake, don’t panic or dwell on it. Instead, correct it as soon as possible and continue driving.

Remember, the examiner is looking for safe and confident drivers, so staying calm and composed will show them that you’re capable of handling any situation on the road.

Reflect on Your Performance

Take a moment to reflect on how you did during your practice sessions and identify areas where you can improve to increase your chances of success.

After each practice session, take some time to review your performance. Think about the areas where you did well and the areas where you struggled. This reflection will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses, and give you a roadmap for improvement.

To make the most of this reflection, be specific. Review your performance in each task of the practical exam, and think about what you could have done better. For example, if you had trouble with parallel parking, think about what you could have done differently to improve your technique.

Reflecting on your performance in this way will help you identify specific areas where you can improve, and give you a clear plan for how to do so. Remember, the more you practice, the more confident you’ll feel on the day of the exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to take the Singapore Driving License Practical Exam?

To take the Singapore driving license practical exam, you’ll need to pay a fee. The cost of the exam varies depending on the type of license you’re applying for.

If you’re going for a class 3 license (which allows you to drive cars), you’ll need to pay a fee of $33. If you’re applying for a class 4 or 5 license (which allows you to drive heavy vehicles such as buses and trucks), the fee is $58.

These fees cover the cost of the exam itself as well as the use of a test vehicle and an instructor to accompany you during the test. Keep in mind that if you fail the exam, you’ll need to pay the fee again to retake it.

Can I bring my own car for the practical exam?

Yes, you can bring your own car for the practical driving exam in Singapore. However, there are certain conditions that your car must meet in order to be eligible for the test.

Firstly, it must be a Class 3 or 3A vehicle, and it must have a valid road tax and insurance coverage. Additionally, your car must pass a mandatory inspection at the Traffic Police Testing Center before the test.

If your car meets all of these requirements, then you’re free to use it for the practical exam. Just remember to practice driving in a variety of road conditions and scenarios beforehand, and be confident in your driving abilities.

Good luck!

How long does the practical exam take?

The practical exam for the Singapore driving license typically takes around 30-45 minutes. During this time, you’ll be required to demonstrate your ability to operate a vehicle safely and effectively in various driving scenarios.

The examiner will assess your skills in areas such as vehicle control, observation, hazard perception, and decision-making. It’s important to remain calm and focused during the exam, and to follow all traffic rules and signals.

Remember to check your mirrors regularly, signal clearly, and use proper lane positioning. With practice and preparation, you can increase your chances of passing the exam on your first attempt.

What happens if I fail the practical exam?

If you fail the practical exam for your Singapore driving license, don’t worry too much. You’ll have to wait at least a week before you can take the test again, but you’ll be given feedback on what you did wrong and what you need to improve on.

It’s important to take this feedback seriously and practice those skills before your next attempt. You’ll also need to pay the exam fee again.

Keep in mind that it’s not uncommon to fail the test the first time, so don’t get discouraged. Just focus on practicing and improving your skills, and you’ll have a better chance of passing on your next try.

Are there any age restrictions for taking the practical exam?

If you’re wondering whether there are any age restrictions for taking the practical exam for the Singapore driving license, the answer is yes. You must be at least 18 years old and possess a valid class 3 or 3A learner’s driving license before you can take the practical test.

It’s important to note that passing the practical exam on the first try requires more than just meeting the age requirement. You’ll need to be well-prepared, confident, and skilled in driving. Make sure to practice regularly and seek guidance from experienced drivers or professional driving instructors.

With dedication and effort, you can increase your chances of passing the practical exam on your first attempt.


Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of this article and now have the necessary knowledge and skills to pass the Singapore driving license practical exam on your first try.

Remember, understanding the exam format, knowing the traffic rules and regulations, practicing with experienced drivers, familiarizing yourself with the test routes, preparing your vehicle, managing your nerves and anxiety, and following instructions carefully are all crucial steps in your journey towards obtaining your driving license.

When it comes to passing the exam, it’s important to stay calm, focused, and confident. Take your time during the test and don’t rush through any of the tasks.

Reflect on your performance and learn from any mistakes you might have made. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t pass on your first attempt, as there’s always room for improvement and another chance to try again.

Remember that obtaining a driving license is not just about passing the exam, but also about being a responsible and safe driver. Always prioritize safety on the road and continue to learn and improve your driving skills even after you’ve obtained your license.

With dedication, practice, and the right mindset, you can achieve your goal of passing the Singapore driving license practical exam and becoming a licensed driver. Good luck!

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